Contribution of a factory to its social environment
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a strategic and transversal element in the cement sector. The IV Study on CSR in the cement sector, prepared by Forética and Fundación CEMA, dissects the main elements of the cement industry's social contribution. Also included in this edition is information about equality and diversity.
The report reflects the current context of sustainability, in constant evolution and exponential growth. Thus, in line with this idea, the concept of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) management is introduced.
Gross annual value added
€26,5 million
Direct and indirect employment
1,116 work places
Level of job stability
93% of permanent contracts
CO2 emission reduction
equivalents to 222,569 cars per year
Minimum occupational accident rate
85% lower than other industries
Energy recovery
45% of fossil fuel substitution
Tax contribution to PA
2.5 million euros per year per factory
Landfill reduction
185.555 annual tons of waste
Environmental investment
7.4 million euros year