Interaction with all Interest Groups
The application of transparency and dialogue policies with society is part of Ciment Català's mission. The dissemination of the Association's activities and, above all, the dissemination of technical knowledge and statistical data on the sector are the focus of the main actions in communication. The information offered is continuous and accessible to the different Interest Groups, both through structured channels (digital and printed) and through personal and direct contact (meetings, presentations, visits...).
Throughout 2022, the list of actions linked to transparency policies that the Catalan cement industry has put into practice includes the following interest groups and activities:
- Society and citizenship: publication of the Annual Report, Circular Economy Observatory and updating of the corporate website.
- Public Administrations: sectoral presentations, Roadmap for carbon neutrality, technical reports, collaboration agreements and edition of newsletters.
- Media: regular edition of statistical releases, permanent attention to any request for information and support for the Catalan Association of Scientific Communication.
- Neighborhood associations: visits to the factory, informative meetings, permanent attention, participation in control and monitoring commissions and sponsorships.
- Professionals in the sector: work committees, Roadmap for carbon neutrality, technical training and edition of newsletters.
- Unions and company committees: working groups, occupational risk prevention plans and specific training.
- Employer entities: participation and contribution to commissions and working groups.
- Customers: technical demonstrations, advice and telephone service lines.
- Suppliers: factory safety plans and dissemination of technical studies.
- Shareholders: edition of economic and sustainability reports.
- Universities and academia: business chairs, funding of research projects and visits to factories for students.
- Non-governmental organizations: contribution of sectoral technical information and sponsorships.