Growth in spite of market contraction

Even with the high level of technification and automation of cement manufacturing processes, the Catalan industry continues to generate quality employment. And this is taking place even in a context of shrinking markets, both domestic and foreign.

The 1,150 jobs accumulated up to 2022 (the last year with available data) include both workers hired directly by the companies and external professionals subcontracted on a full-time basis.

On the other hand, the main characteristics of employment in the cement sector are the stability of employment (with 92% of permanent contracts), the quality and resilience of the jobs, the experience of the personnel (with a high level of seniority in the company) and the progressive incorporation of women in the sector, which is a clear example of gender integration. Employment in the Catalan cement industry is stable, well-paid and focused on the long term.

Evolution of the number of employees

Año 2020 2021 2022 Var.
Direct occupancy 448 536 537 0%
Indirect occupation 447 580 613 6%
Total ocupation 895 1.116 1.150 3%

Source: Oficemen

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