Investment in public works decreases by 19%

After 2022, which saw a 68% increase in the amount of public works tenders, the 2023 financial year closed with an overall fall of 19% and a total of 4,550 million euros invested in Catalonia. The significant correction is justified, firstly, by the progressive depletion of the European Next Generation funds that had generated the significant growth of the previous year. But it is also due to the end of the electoral cycle: municipal and general elections were held in 2023.

Of all the tenders of the 3 major administrations, the sharp reduction (31%) in the amount allocated to civil works stands out. Investments in infrastructures in Catalonia suffer from a recurrent level of insufficiency, aggravated by the even more reduced execution of the adjudications. The 2,623 million allocated to civil works barely represent half of the needs detected by employers' organizations such as Foment del Treball or the Chamber of Construction Contractors of Catalonia (CCOC).

By Authority 2021 2022 2023


Central Administration 751.092 1.667.315 1.091.486 -35%
Autonomic Administration 826.137 1.577.797 1.338.516 -15%
Local Administration 1.771.669 2.394.947 2.119.622 -11%
By destination 2021 2022 2023 Var.
Edification 1.426.292 1.815.273 1.926.230 6%
Civil Work 1.922.606 3.824.786 2.623.397 -31%
Total 3.348.898 5.640.059 4.549.627 -19%

Note: Data in thousands of €

Source: SEOPAN

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