Continued reduction in fossil fuel energy use

Despite market fluctuations, the plants continued to push forward with their fossil fuel substitution program, in what is a clear expression of their commitment to the fight against climate change. Thus, the use of fossil fuels continued to decrease (-4%) and the use of partially and fully biomass fuels increased (+6% and +4%, respectively). These figures refer to 2022, the latest year available.

n energy matters, and given the diversity of fuels consumed, the measure used to homogenize magnitudes is the joule (symbol J), a unit of energy, heat quantity and work in the International System of Units. It is a derived unit that is defined as the work done by a force of one newton when the point where it is applied moves one meter in the direction of the force. In reality, and due to high consumption, the gigajoule (GJ), which corresponds to one billion joules, is used in cement factories.

2020 2021 2022 Var.
Traditional fuel 8.621.582 7.771.552


Partially biomass fuel 2.145.584 2.399.573 2.531.574 6%
Alternative biomass fuel 1.929.702 1.604.383 1.675.407 4%
Total 12.696.868 11.775.509 11.705.115 -1%

Note: Data in GJ

Source: Oficemen

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