Extension signed until 2025

In February 2021, the Catalan Cement Manufacturers' Association (Ciment Català) and the Catalan Government's Department of Territory and Sustainability extended the validity of the Voluntary Agreement to promote resource efficiency and the transition to a circular economy in the sector until July 2025. The continuity of this agreement demonstrates the sector's commitment to sustainability which will lead to a greater circularisation of the economy and even exceed, in some cases, the measures set out in the EU Commission's Action Plan for the circular economy. The agreement also provides for improved public information on the environmental impact of member companies.

The Voluntary Agreement, signed on 6 July 2017, committed all companies with integral cement production plants in Catalonia to a framework of collaboration with the Department of Territory and Sustainability to achieve a high degree of environmental protection, making it compatible with economic growth. Among the specific agreements of the now extended Agreement, it is worth highlighting the commitment to reach a 60% substitution of fossil fuels by alternative fuels based totally or partially on biomass, with the corresponding effect of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This measure will also contribute to the policies and strategies put in place to increase waste recovery.

Voluntary agreements are a suitable instrument for achieving these objectives and are based on collaboration between the environmental administration (the Generalitatin the case of Catalonia) and companies, in line with the European Union's environmental policy. In this framework, on 1 March 2002, both parties signed a first collaboration agreement which, after its extension, was replaced by another agreementsigned on 15 December 2011.

The 3rd Voluntary Agreement, now extended until 2025, sets out up to 48 specific actions for the prevention, reduction and control of pollution.

III Voluntary Agreement main goals

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