Market recovery
The main difficulty of the Catalan cement industry is the fragility of the domestic market. Figures for 2019 are forceful: consumption in Catalonia is even lower than in 1965, and it has been,for 8 consecutive years, at around 2 million tons, which gives a consumption of only 288 kg per capitaper year, 24% lower than the EU average. Although from 2015 to 2017 there was a slow recovery, 2018 experienced a new fall and 2019 a small increase. Undoubtedly, current consumption is far from what is necessary for a country wanting to be modern and competitive in a digital and low-carbon world, both due to the lack of infrastructure and its maintenance.
The precarious situation of the domestic market has made the adaptation of companies inevitable, which have occasionally had to stop factories with the consequent reduction in jobs and induced economic activity. The risk of relocation appears as a threat.
Short-term challenges:
CO2 allowances
A gradual evolution of the cost of emission allowances (which are not paid by third countries) is essential to allow the transition of the sector to a decarbonised context.
Unjustified (or double) taxation, such as for CO2 emissions, for which the EU has already defined adequate mechanisms, affects competitiveness and overrides the activity to other countries.
In order to achieve a major activity, it is convenient for the public administrations to promote export promotion and aid policies. For example, by reducing port fees.
It is necessary to increase public works tender, very far from the 3,750 M€ average of the last 20 years, and the 5,000 necessary to ensure the welfare of citizens.
Avoid double tax figures on the sector, favoring an adequate and fair tax treatment that facilitates the continuity of an employment-creating industry and that avoids relocation.
Increase in the cost of electricity (one of the most expensive in the EU) and the reduction of remuneration for interruptibility (adjustment to demand) makes it difficult to export surpluses.
Research and application of solutions that allow producing more efficient cements and concretes, more adapted to infrastructure needs and with less environmental impact.
Climate change
Increase on energy recovery from waste as a formula for saving fossil fuels, reducing emissions into the atmosphere, and eradicating landfills.