Short-term actions
Despite the enormous work developed by the associated companies and Ciment Català itself, in favor of a more sustainable, efficient, commited to social and economic progress industry,the changing circumstances of the market and society require constant adaptationand the assumption of new requirements and challenges. Cement companies, rooted in the territory for more than a century, will continue to entrust and work to meet the demands ofthe market, the public administrations and society.
In a juncture marked by low cement consumption at domesticlevel and the emergence of technologies that enable new results in production and marketing processes, the Catalan industry will intensifyits efforts to maintain competitiveness and leadership position in environmental behavior.
These are the most immediate challenges:
Increase energy recovery of waste as a formula for saving fossil fuels, reducing atmosphere emissions into the atmospheric emissions and eradicating landfills.
Application of industrial, energy and fiscal policies to help maintain the export level that has historically established the cement industry as a leader in Catalonia.
In line with the actions initiated in 2002 with the signing of the I Voluntary Agreement with the Generalitat, dialogue and commitments for continuous improvement with the Public Administration.
Involvement with the territory and society must be expressed in new forms of dialogue and interaction that enable a wider understanding of the contributions of the sector.
Avoid double tax figures over the sector, favoring an adequate and fair tax treatment that facilitates the continuation of a job-creating industry and that avoids relocation.
Research and implementation of solutions to produce more efficient cements and concretes, better adapted to the needs of infrastructure and with less environmental impact.
Expressed in two ways: internally, risk prevention and protection of occupational health; externally, with new controls on production and emissions.
Actions to reduce industrial electricity costs - the highest in Europe. Application of the Best Available Techniques (BAT) to minimize consumption.
Climate change
Actions for the containment of CO2 emission allowances of the GHG market, which have quadrupled in the last two years and generate environmental dumping by third countries.