Contribution of a factory to its social environment
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the cement sector is expressed in a report published in 2018 by the Labor Foundation of Cement and the Environment. This report states that the economic benefit ofproduction plants in the local communities where they are located reaches, in the fiscal area, more than 2 million euros per year(II CSR Study in the cement sector prepared by Forética and CEMA Foundation).
The study highlights the commitment to rural areas and low population density, as 70% of Spanish factories are located in towns with less than 12,000 inhabitants, where they create stable employment, with 94% of indefinite contracts, and average annual gross salaries that double the average salary.
In addition, one of the main objectives of the sector is to carry out actions that make economic and social progress compatible withrespect for the environment and natural resources, guaranteeing the health of workers and citizens, in order to improve the quality of life ofpresent and future generations.
Gross annual value added
17,9 million euros
Direct and indirect employment
589 work places
Level of job stability
94% of indefinite contracts
CO2 emission reduction
equivalent to 15.300 cars per year
Minimum occupational accident rate
4 times less than in other industries
Waste for energy
25% of fossil fuel substitution
Tax contribution to PA
2 million euros per year
Landfill reduction
76.000 annual tons of waste
Environmental investment
3 millions euros annual