Contribution of a factory to its social environment

CSR is a strategic and transversal element in the cement sector. The III Study on CSR in the cement sector, prepared by Forética and the CEMA Foundation, evaluates 22 economic and good governance, environmental and social indicators, as well as the contribution to the sustainable development objectives (SDGs).

Among the highlighted conclusions of the study, it should be noted that all companies have memberslinked to CSR tasks, and have a code of ethics or conduct promoted by the executive team.

Each cement factory, some of which have a century-old presence in the areas in which they operate, contributes to the national economy with an average of 3 million euros in taxes, 32% of which reverts to local and autonomic services. 92.4% of workers in this industry have a permanentcontract, 19 percent points higher than the national average.

Pel que fa als indicadors mediambientals, les dades dels últims cinc anys reflecteixen una tendència a la baixa en les emissions de CO2, NOx i partícules per tona produïda de clínquer. Així, des de 2014, les emissions de pols i les d'òxids de nitrogen s'han reduït en un 20,6%. Les inversions en biodiversitat de el sector han augmentat un 48% des de 2016. A més, el 100% de les fàbriques compta amb sistemes de gestió mediambiental certificats i en el seu conjunt han augmentat les inversions en biodiversitat un 48% respecte a 2016.

In terms of environmental indicators, data fromprevious five years reflect a downward trend in CO2, NOx and particulate emissions per tonne of clinker produced. Thus, since 2014, emissions of dust and nitrogen oxides have been reduced by 20.6%. Investments in biodiversity in the sector have increased by 48% since 2016. In addition, 100% of the factories have certified environmental management systems and altogether have increased investments in biodiversity by 48% compared to 2016.

In terms ofimprovement areas, the study focuses on the need to promote female talent, which currently represents only 11.5% of the total sector.

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