Actuacions en salut i seguretat laboral

Constant work on occupational risk prevention training, coupled with the application of the latest available technology in the facilities for extraction, production, storage and transportation, have made the cement industry a model inoccupational safety. In 2017 (last year with closed balance), the Temporary Disability Accident Frequency Index (ACIT) reveals a very low accident rate in the sector. Specifically, it is 80% lower than that of the Spanish industry as a whole and even 65% lower thanthe Services sector.

The Temporary Disability Accident Frequency Index compares the total number of accidents with temporary disability and the total number of hours worked in a particular sector. This means that the cement industry only records 6.05 accidents with a sick leave per million hours worked. A result that has not stopped improving over the last fifteen years, and that is gradually approaching thezero accidents target.

Temporary Disability Accident Frequency Index

Sector 2017 2018 2019
Cement 6,05 5,55 6,12
Industry 32,25 33,10
Construction 44,07 46,10
Services 17,78 17,40

Extractive industries



Source: Oficemen

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