In accordance with its commitment to contribute to the economic and social development of the country, Ciment Català has joined the Commission for the expansion of Barcelona airport, set up this September by the employers’ association Foment del Treball. This committee, which has been created with the slogan ‘Barcelona connected to the world by an intercontinental airport’, and commanded by the current president of the Cambra de Contractistes d’Obres de Catalunya (CCOC), Lluís Moreno, aims to find the consensus of all Public Administrations for the development of this infrastructure.

The Agrupació de Fabricants de Ciment de Catalunya will be represented in this commission by its president, Salvador Fernández Capo, with the aim of providing the vision of the sector in a long-awaited pact between all the agents involved in the future of this vital equipment for the catalan economy, a logistics facility that should help alleviate the infrastructure deficit that civil society has repeatedly denounced. The initiative consolidates the position of Ciment Català expressed in June 2001, when it adhered to the manifesto “Yes to the airport expansion agreement”, with which more than 200 entities demanded the expansion of the Barcelona airport.

The commission, which has an initial duration of 9 months, wants to promote a solution that would allow the third runway of the airport to be expanded, turning it into an intercontinental platform, and will be proposing the appearance of papers by different specialists in aeronautics, transport, experts environmental and sustainability, in addition to representatives of the councils and administrations affected and other institutions, entities and companies.