Debate, training, knowledge and information for the sectorial community

Cementing Europe’s Future: Where Next for Industrial Decarbonisation?

  • Wednesday, 16 October, 9:30am

  • TownHall Europe, Brussels

  • The intention of this year’s event is to focus on bringing industrial decarbonisation forward – where should industrial policy fit in the upcoming Commission’s agenda? What actions are needed to bring forward investments at EU and national level? What are the concrete obstacles to investments? How can we foster cooperation throughout the value chain to facilitate decarbonisation?

    The event will provide a platform for EU policy makers and stakeholders to exchange ideas on the above questions, key policies and approach to fast forward decarbonisation investments in Europe’s industries.

In the wake of the 2024 European election, calls have multiplied to highlight the need for an EU industrial policy alongside the Green Deal. Whilst the coming months will be dedicated to the forming of the next College of Commissioners, the decarbonisation of industrial sectors, as well as industrial competitiveness, are likely to top the European agenda for the coming years.

As the European cement industry, we have published our updated Net Zero Roadmap in May 2024. CEMBUREAU’s Net Zero Roadmap looks at an increased ambition for the decarbonisation of the EU cement industry, in light of ongoing investments. It also sets out the indispensable policies to achieve this ambition.

List of confirmed speakers:

  • Mechthild Wörsdörfer, Deputy Director-General, DG ENER, European Commission
  • Rachael Moore, PhD, Managing Director at CarbStrat
  • Johanna Lehne, Associate Director, Clean Economy, E3G
  • Aris Tsikouras, Director Decarbonisation Strategy for Titan Cement Group

The full list of speakers and agenda will be announced in the upcoming weeks.

8th Edition of the Recuwaste Congress: Waste, Circular Economy, and Energy Transition: Trilemma or Virtuous Circle?

  • 20 and 21 May 2025

  • Mataró

  • RECUWASTE is the leading congress on resource and waste management, organized by Maresme Circular, the brand of the Maresme Waste Consortium, with the collaboration of other entities, including the Generalitat of Catalonia and the Barcelona Provincial Council.

With top-level speakers, we will share knowledge, strategies, and innovative technologies with sector experts that are transforming waste management worldwide. We will have a program of round tables and presentations on waste as resources, the materials crisis, energy and decarbonization, economic instruments in municipal waste management, textiles, Industry 4.0 and waste management, future technologies for decarbonization, and international experiences in waste prevention and reuse.