It’s making news2017-06-19T10:35:42+02:00


Ciment Català offers the news of this important sector for the society, the economy and the environment

1703, 2022

The Voluntary Agreement Monitoring Commission certifies that the Catalan factories achieved 100% of the environmental objectives for emissions in 2021

March 17th, 2022|

The Monitoring Commission of the Voluntary Agreement for efficiency in the use of resources, and the transition towards a Circular Economy of the Catalan cement industry between Ciment Català and the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda of the Generalitat has validated that In 2021, the Catalan plants have reached 100% achievement in [...]

1102, 2022

Management and unions of the Catalan cement industry defend the continuity of the Montcada i Reixac factory

February 11th, 2022|

The unions UGT FICA Catalunya and CCOO del Hàbitat de Catalunya, together with the Ciment Català employers' association, within the framework of the Cement and Environment Labor Foundation (CEMA), demand that the Generalitat de Catalunya, without delay, resolve the processing in progress so that the activity of the LafargeHolcim factory in Montcada i Reixac obtains [...]

802, 2022

The Catalan cement market recovers in 2021 without reaching the pre-pandemic level

February 8th, 2022|

The Catalan cement market has closed 2021 with a growth of 8.2% and a total of 2.16 million tons. The recovery, however, does not hide the fact that pre-pandemic levels have not yet been consolidated (2.23 million tons in 2019), and places per capita consumption in Catalonia (280 kg per inhabitant) 26% below the average [...]

3101, 2022

Summit on Circular Economy and Climate Neutrality with the Waste Agency and the General Director of Environmental Quality

January 31st, 2022|

A representation of Ciment Català, headed by President Salvador Fernández Capo, held a working session on environmental policies with a delegation from the Generalitat on January 27 at the Santa Margarida y els Monjos cement factory. Among the participants from the Administration were Marc Sanglas, general director of Environmental Quality and Climate Change (DGQAiCC) and [...]

2701, 2022

The four catalan companies participate in the dossier “Sustainability in the cement sector”

January 27th, 2022|

The dossier on Sustainability in the cement sector, published in Corresponsables, collects the good practices of the industry in this area. The nine groups that operate in Spain have participated in the study, four of which are the companies associated with Ciment Català (Cemex, LafargeHolcim, Portland Valderrivas and Cementos Molins). The construction industry is a [...]

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