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So far silvia has created 553 blog entries.

Cement consumption picks up in March, favored by the weather

One month of March without rains or without Holy Week has generated a 19.4% increase in cement consumption in Catalonia, according to the advanced data from the Cement Barometer. Despite this high monthly figure, the domestic market only grew by 3.9% during the first quarter of 2019. The changes of recent times do not allow [...]

2019-05-20T09:53:29+02:00May 20th, 2019|

CASA Cataluña proposes more institutional visits to factories to demonstrate its commitment to sustainable development

The members of the Autonomous Committee for Monitoring the Agreement on Sustainable Use of Resources in Catalonia (CASA) have agreed to offer political groups and government officials visits to cement factories to show their commitment to transparency, sustainable development and innovation. They also agree to organize, with the leading of CEMA Foundation, meetings with the [...]

2019-05-14T15:43:03+02:00May 14th, 2019|

The Generalitat certifies that the cement industry in Catalonia reduced 93,000 tons of CO2 emissions by 2018

The effort and investments of the Catalan cement factories for the protection of the environment have achieved, in 2018, a reduction of 93,000 tons in CO2 emissions. This result confirms the success of the environmental policies of the sector, based on the application of the principles of the Circular Economy, and on the recovery of [...]

2019-05-02T11:22:16+02:00April 25th, 2019|

The cement market in Catalonia maintains an uncertain trend in 2019

The uncertainty about the future evolution continues being the dominant tonic of the Catalan market of the cement in the beginning of the year 2019. The advanced data of the Barometer of the Cement corresponding to February show a consumption of 1.76 million tons in Catalonia in the last 12 months (mobile year). This figure [...]

2019-04-15T14:15:00+02:00April 15th, 2019|

Offensive by unions and employers against the unjustified tax burden on cement factories

The unions CCOO and UGT-FICA and the employer association Ciment Català, under the protection of Fundación CEMA and CASA Cataluña, are developing an extensive program of meetings with political groups of the Parliament of Catalonia and at the level of ministers of the Generalitat to denounce the unjustified tax burden that can be suffered by [...]

2019-04-04T12:00:32+02:00April 4th, 2019|

Generalitat and Ciment Català coincide in the diagnosis for the recovery of the sector

The Generalitat and the cement sector agreed on the need to promote public works in Catalonia and also on support for energy policies that are more beneficial environmentally and corporately during a work session held on March 19. The meeting, headed by the Minister of Territory and Sustainability, Damià Calvet, the Secretary of Environment and [...]

2019-03-25T09:11:14+02:00March 25th, 2019|

Cycle of meetings with members of the Environment Commission of the Parlament

The Board of Directors of Ciment Català has deployed a program of visits and meetings with the members of the different political parties represented in the Committee on the Environment and Sustainability of the Parliament of Catalonia. This program, initiated last November, is aimed at explaining in the parliamentary headquarters the situation of the sector [...]

2019-02-26T08:42:19+02:00February 26th, 2019|

Factories advance in the development of the Voluntary Agreement with Generalitat for the transition to a Circular Economy

Executives of Ciment Català and the four associated companies have maintained, during the last weeks, several meetings with technicians of the Department of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat for the development of the III Voluntary Agreement. This agreement, signed between the public administration and the cement industry on July 6, 2017, aims to increase [...]

2019-02-20T14:58:28+02:00February 20th, 2019|
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