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So far silvia has created 553 blog entries.

The public tender maintains in November the low level of all 2017

The activity in the construction of public infrastructures continues at an extremely low level. The volume of public tender in Catalonia corresponding to November 2017 was 265 million euros, a figure that represents only 16.65% of the historical maximums. Half of this amount comes from town halls and councils, which have become the main driving [...]

2018-01-22T09:41:47+02:00January 22nd, 2018|

The reduction of purchases in the electric interruption service puts production and exports at risk

Electricity costs have once again become a major threat to the cement industry in Catalonia. Red Eléctrica de España (REE) has completed the process of assigning interruptibility service through competitive auctions with the allocation of an interruptible power for the period from January 1 to May 31, 2018 of 2,584, 9 MW. This means a [...]

2018-01-09T08:58:12+02:00January 9th, 2018|

The carbon footprint of cement could be reduced by up to 80% in 2050 by applying emerging technologies

The Association of cement manufacturers in Spain, Oficemen, has prepared a roadmap for the reduction of carbon emissions by 2050. The document highlights the potential of some emerging technologies, such as carbon capture and storage (CAC), which would allow reducing up to 80% the carbon footprint of the Spanish cement industry in 2050. About 60% [...]

2017-12-14T11:23:15+02:00December 14th, 2017|

The industry considers unaffordable more taxes on productive activity

The Technical Committee of Ciment Català, formed by representatives of the 4 associated companies, considers that the possibility of new taxes on productive activity represents a serious economic threat to the sector due to the effects it could have on the fiscal area. This positioning refers both to new taxes for activities in the factories [...]

2017-12-04T18:18:00+02:00December 4th, 2017|

The Follow-up Commission of the III Voluntary Agreement with the Generalitat addresses the transition to the Circular Economy

The first meeting of the Monitoring Commission of the III Voluntary Agreement between the Generalitat and the Catalan cement industry has established the key aspects that must be developed to improve the protection of the environment and the transition to the Circular Economy. The Commission, held on October 17, considers the use of resources, the [...]

2017-11-06T10:23:14+02:00November 6th, 2017|

Petition to the Generalitat so that, in the situation of crisis that continues the sector, does not increase tax loads that make lose competitiveness

The four companies grouped in Ciment Català have asked the Generalitat that when it is time to reformulate and possibly increase the tax burdens of all kinds, and in particular environmental taxes, which is being raised recently in the Government, take into account the serious economic situation that continues to suffer construction in general and [...]

2017-10-09T11:12:09+02:00October 9th, 2017|

Formative session of a delegation of United Nations for the Industrial Development in a Catalan cement factory

The professional and technological level of Catalan cement factories has been highlighted, once again, with the recent visit of a delegation of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). On September 27, eight senior executives of the National Council for Cement and Construction Materials from India visited the Ciments Molins Industrial facilities in Sant Vicenç [...]

2017-10-05T12:00:07+02:00October 5th, 2017|

The Generalitat and Ciment Català are coordinated to implement the Third Voluntary Agreement and follow up on new legislation

Members of the Board of Directors of Ciment Català, headed by its president Salvador Fernández Capo, and senior officials of the Department of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat have begun to propose the development of the Third Voluntary Agreement. This agreement, signed at the beginning of the summer, has to propose measures of transition [...]

2017-09-18T09:37:51+02:00September 18th, 2017|

The Advisory Board of Aggregates evaluates the difficulties of market recovery and proposes more communication to society

At its last meeting, the Catalan Aggregates Advisory Council discussed the situation of mining in Catalonia and its environmental impact, and analyzed the demand and prospects for the future. In this regard, it studied the latest statistics of the sector, the projection of these data in the coming years and the risks and opportunities that [...]

2017-09-12T09:38:59+02:00September 12th, 2017|
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