The cement sector ensures supply during the health emergency

The four cement companies associated with Ciment Català maintain their activity to ensure the supply of product during the health emergency situation caused by COVID-19. The Catalan cement industry, which has the most up-to-date technology, is prepared to face the crisis scenario, and has implemented protection protocols for its employees, which include teleworking in all [...]

2020-04-21T14:56:51+02:00April 21st, 2020|

A new Annex expands the Guide to the Best Available Techniques in the cement sector in Catalonia

The Department of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat and Ciment Català have drawn up a protocol for determining the ammonia target in cement factories in Catalonia, which has been published as Annex IV of the Guide for the application of the Best Available Techniques in the sector. This initiative has been developed within the [...]

2020-04-01T09:33:56+02:00April 1st, 2020|

The sluggishness of the domestic market and the decline in exports keep cement factories in Catalonia to a minimum

The chronic lack of public works maintains the year-on-year consumption of cement in Catalonia at 2.1 million tons. Provisional statistical data collected at the end of February 2020 confirm the acute crisis in the sector, aggravated by the loss of competitiveness in international markets due to the costs of CO2 emission rights, the price of [...]

2020-03-24T11:22:57+02:00March 24th, 2020|

The Catalan cement market begins 2020 with a 13% drop in January

The provisional statistical advances corresponding to the cement sector in January 2020 show a 13% decrease in consumption in Catalonia, with just over 157 thousand tons. The figure is even worse in terms of production, which drops 25% in the same period, with 180 thousand tons. In the mobile year record (which measures the last [...]

2020-02-24T11:46:26+02:00February 24th, 2020|

The Catalan cement industry participates in the Climate Action Summit

Representatives of the cement sector in Catalonia, including the president of Ciment Català Salvador Fernández Capo, have participated in the preparatory work for the first Catalan Climate Action Summit, and have attended the joint event held on January 17 in Barcelona. The summit has been a first meeting point to structure a road map, in [...]

2020-01-27T11:09:17+02:00January 27th, 2020|

The cement sector promotes measures against the climatic emergency while the market remains atony and exports fall drastically

Despite the clearly negative market context, the Catalan cement industry has launched an ambitious plan of measures to fight against the climatic emergency with a final horizon of 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions for the year 2050 compared to the 1990s. This program of actions occurs at a time when the domestic market shows [...]

2019-12-30T09:20:54+02:00December 30th, 2019|

The Catalan cement industry invested 3.7 million euros in environmental improvements during 2018

According to a report by the Generalitat, during the 2018 financial year the Catalan cement industry invested € 3,656,883.96 in environmental improvements, mainly focused on the energy recovery of waste, in the reduction of particulate emissions from cement kilns, in the increase in energy efficiency and the decrease in visual impact. In 2018, environmental investment [...]

2019-11-28T16:02:37+02:00November 28th, 2019|
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