It’s making news2017-06-19T10:35:42+02:00


Ciment Català offers the news of this important sector for the society, the economy and the environment

1907, 2022

Energy costs and the lack of execution of public works aggravate the situation of Catalan cement factories

July 19th, 2022|

The cost of electrical energy -which, despite government actions, continues to skyrocket- and the exponential rise in the price of petroleum coke (the main fuel for kilns) has generated new concern in the Catalan cement industry. Variable manufacturing costs have grown by 40% in the last year, which is dangerously weighing down business margins and [...]

707, 2022

The substitution of fossil fuels in Catalonia reaches 41% in 2020

July 7th, 2022|

The XII update of the Observatory of the Circular Economy of the Spanish cement industry confirms that the sector continues to be one of the main "recyclers" in the country and the best alternative to sending it to landfill, where 52% of municipal waste still ends up annually. The cement industry has recovered almost 60 [...]

507, 2022

Receptiveness of the Industry Directorate General to the needs of the sector

July 5th, 2022|

The need to extend the catalogue and the quantities of alternative fuels for cement factories, the path to achieve climate neutrality in 2050 or the Generalitat's drive for building the infrastructure that the country needs are the themes that focused the working session that a representation of the Ciment Català held on 28 June with [...]

3006, 2022

A technical guide will promote knowledge for the control of respirable crystalline silica emissions in quarries

June 30th, 2022|

After summer, the National Institute of Silicosis (INS) will publish a guide to promote knowledge about the impact of silica emissions, how to control and minimize them and compliance with legal regulations. This initiative is the result of the contributions of professionals, businessmen and technical experts related to the extraction activities sector. During the Technical [...]

1006, 2022

The Mining Safety Regulation, under debate

June 10th, 2022|

The Mining Safety Table in Catalonia has analyzed, in its last meeting on June 3, the draft of the new Mining Safety Regulation and Complementary Technical Instructions (ITC), a regulation that must regulate the preventive actions of the mining companies of in accordance with the Occupational Risk Prevention Law. Among the points that should provoke [...]

906, 2022

Pandemic prevents the retrieval of the activities in the quarries

June 9th, 2022|

The full recovery of the restoration activity on mining farms in Catalonia will have to wait. During the last meeting of the Consejo Asesor de Áridos de Cataluña, online on 30 May, it became clear how the Covid-19 pandemic continued to prevent the achievement of previous work volumes in 2021. Thus, for example, only 4 [...]

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