Ciment Català offers the news of this important sector for the society, the economy and the environment
Ciment Català joins the Program of Voluntary Agreements for the reduction of greenhouse gases
This autumn, the employers of the cement industry in Catalonia have joined the Program of Voluntary Agreements for the reduction of GHG emissions (greenhouse gases) promoted by the Catalan Office for Climate Change. This Program offers tools, support and recognition to those organizations that have facilities and / or operations in Catalonia and that voluntarily [...]
Ciment Català formalizes adherence to 7 of the commitments of the Catalan Climate Action Summit
In its line of social responsibility and protection of natural and environmental environments, Ciment Català has formalized this summer its adherence to the commitments of the Catalan Summit on Climate Action promoted by the Department of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat. This initiative aims to become the meeting point of the Catalan economic and [...]
The first 6 months of the pandemic reduce cement consumption by 17% in Catalonia
The effects of the activity stoppage due to the Covid-19 pandemic have been negative for the Catalan cement industry. Consumption in Catalonia has been reduced by 195,800 tons (17%) during the months of March to August 2020 compared to the same period of the previous year, according to provisional data from the Ministry of Industry, [...]
CEMBUREAU organizes a Summit with the aim to promote an European green agreement
Adapting to the current times and to all the issues that are setting this century, Cembureau has organised the next summit on 13 October 2020 with a single objective: to promote an European green agreement. To celebrate the Europe of the future: to build a green agreement. This is called this summit which will focus on [...]
Demand for cement at a high level, outlook cautious
Speaking about the development of the German cement market, Christian Knell, president of VDZ, says "It has rarely been so difficult to make a forecast as it is this year". Since March 2020 the coronavirus pandemic has created a great deal of uncertainty amongst most people and companies in this country. So far the cement [...]
2019 Activities and Sustainability Report published
Continuing the initiative launched the previous year, Ciment Català has published its Activities and Sustainability Report of 2019. The work, in digital format and accessible from any device, includes the activities carried out by the group, and also presents a summary of the magnitudes of the sector in the areas of market, environmental investments, Circular [...]