Debate, training, knowledge and information for the sectorial community

Presentation of the study “Annual report on industry in Catalonia 2023” (Session in Catalan)

  • Thursday, July 25, 12 PM

  • Passeig de Gràcia, 129, Barcelona

  • This report has been prepared annually for the past 30 years with the aim of disseminating, in a swift and comprehensible manner, the main events that have characterized the Catalan industry throughout the year. The report provides a structural and cyclical analysis of the Catalan industry in aggregate form and includes a detailed analysis of the 21 most important industrial sectors and their subsectors. All this is done from an international comparative perspective to better understand the evolution of the industrial sectors in the European context.



12:00 PM Welcome

  • Oriol Alcoba, Director General of Industry, Department of Business and Labor, Generalitat de Catalunya.

12:10 PM Presentation of the report

  • Annual report on the industry in Catalonia 2023
  • Laia Castany, Industry Observatory.

12:30 PM Round table

“Towards a more competitive, resilient, and sustainable industry”

With the participation of:

  • Xavier López, Corporate and Operations Director of Eurecat.
  • Carme Poveda, Director of Economic Analysis at the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce.
  • Joan Tristany, Director General of AMEC.
  • Moderator: Pere Condom, Head of the Strategic Analysis Area.

1:15 PM Closure
