In its line of social responsibility and protection of natural and environmental environments, Ciment Català has formalized this summer its adherence to the commitments of the Catalan Summit on Climate Action promoted by the Department of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat. This initiative aims to become the meeting point of the Catalan economic and social sectors to agree on a roadmap, in the short and medium term, that allows facing mitigation and adaptation policies to climate change. About 200 companies, entities and institutions, representing 21 sectors of activity, have so far taken part in the work aimed at making a faster, fairer and more efficient transition towards a climate neutral economy.

The commitments signed by Ciment Català include adherence to the program of voluntary agreements for the reduction of emissions promoted by the Generalitat, the annual calculation of the organization’s emissions (segregating the calculation by greenhouse effect gases and by activity segments) and the dissemination and promotion of climate commitment, incorporating it into its ethical codes or other corporate statements and adding climate aspects in the training of its staff. In addition, it will promote the energy transition of its activity by applying a plan to increase efficiency with quantitative objectives in lighting, air conditioning and production activity.

In the field of mobility, the climate impact it generates will be reduced through formulas such as establishing means of telematic meetings that avoid displacements, preparing a telework plan for its staff, and implementing the necessary means to carry out electronic procedures (invoices, contracts , payments, notifications, taxes, correspondence, calls and meeting minutes…). The entity will also progressively adopt the principles of the circular economy, setting, within a maximum period of 3 years, an internal evaluation mechanism of the behavior of its activity. The seventh and last of the formalized commitments refers to the adoption of climatic quality standards in the workplace.