This autumn, the employers of the cement industry in Catalonia have joined the Program of Voluntary Agreements for the reduction of GHG emissions (greenhouse gases) promoted by the Catalan Office for Climate Change. This Program offers tools, support and recognition to those organizations that have facilities and / or operations in Catalonia and that voluntarily want to get involved in reducing their GHG emissions, which are responsible for global warming.
Through the corresponding agreement, Ciment Català has undertaken to monitor its GHG emissions, and establish annual measures to reduce them. In this specific case, on the administrative offices located in Barcelona and on mobility and travel related to the development of the Group’s activity too.
The first inventory of all emissions has already been carried out, corresponding to the year 2019. The sum of CO2 emissions a during this year has been 4.98 tons, of which 2.23 are due to the escape of fluorinated gases (for maintenance of the air conditioning system), 1.16 correspond to electricity consumption and 1.58 represent the sum of transport (1.57), water (0.006) and waste (0.004). Among the measures to improve these results, Ciment Català has committed to changing fluorescent lamps for LEDs, and to introducing and using recycling bins for the products usually consumed in its facilities.
* Image credit: AB Electrical & Communications Ltd