Ciment Català offers the news of this important sector for the society, the economy and the environment
Ciment Català adheres to the Manifesto “Enough, let’s focus on recovery”
The Grouping of Cement Manufacturers of Catalonia (Ciment Català), together with more than 300 other entities, has adhered to the Manifesto It’s enough, let's focus on the recovery promoted by the economic, cultural and social world of Catalonia to condemn acts of vandalism of the last weeks and in defense of imminent solutions that help [...]
Cement consumption maintains its negative trend at the beginning of 2021
The beginning of 2021 has not changed the negative trend that the Catalan cement industry is experiencing. The provisional data for the month of January show a new market drop (-4.7%) with a total of only 146 thousand tons used, the lowest monthly figure in the last 2 years if March and April of last [...]
Generalitat and Ciment Català sign the extension of the Voluntary Agreement to promote efficiency in the use of resources and the transition towards a circular economy
The Association of Cement Manufacturers of Catalonia (Ciment Català) and the Department of Territory and Sustainability have extended the validity of the Voluntary Agreement to promote efficiency in the use of resources and the transition towards a circular economy of the sector until July 2025. With the extension of this Agreement makes visible the sustainability [...]
The Catalan cement market closes 2020 with a consumption of 2 million tons and a fall of 10.6%
The final balance of 2020 has revealed the difficulties that the Catalan cement industry is going through, with a 10.6% drop in consumption in the domestic market for a total of 2 million tons, which historically corresponds to those consumed in the year 1968. This decrease can be attributed to the effects on the activity [...]
The second wave of the pandemic causes cement production and consumption to fall even more
The restrictions on economic activities derived from the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic have caused a new drop in the Production (-3.9%) and Consumption (-5.3%) volumes of cement in Catalonia. These negative figures are added to the accumulated losses since last March, and place the interannual index (the accumulated index of the last 12 [...]
Coincidence with Generalitat to support energy replacement initiatives
Generalitat of Catalonia offers its support to the projects of the Catalan cement industry related to energy recovery. In a meeting between the Secretary for Business and Competitiveness, Joaquim Ferrer i Tamayo, and a delegation headed by the president of Ciment Català, Salvador Fernández Capo, both parties agreed on the diagnosis that the energy use [...]