Members of the Board of Directors of Ciment Català, headed by its president Salvador Fernández Capo, and senior officials of the Department of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat have begun to propose the development of the Third Voluntary Agreement. This agreement, signed at the beginning of the summer, has to propose measures of transition of the sector towards a Circular Economy, the optimization in the use of resources, the improvement of the communication towards the society and the use of alternative fuels. At the working meeting held on 30 August, the various options to promote co-processing of waste were evaluated, among other topics, with a view to contributing to the achievement of the commitments of the Paris Agreement against climate change, and in particular the reduction of CO2 emissions.

During the meeting, the content and effects of recent and planned future legislative developments, which may have a major impact on the cement sector, were also discussed. In this regard, both sides agreed to actively collaborate during the coming months to achieve a regulatory situation that is acceptable. The new regulations are expected to take into account the commitment that the Catalan cement industry has shown in recent years, through actions related to the environmental improvement of the industry, achieved with a volume of investments, close to 200 million euros, very relevant.

The working session was chaired by the Secretary General of Environment and Sustainability Marta Subirà, and also the Director General of Environment and Climate Change Mercè Rius and the Director of the Office of Climate Change of the Generalitat Salvador Samitier.