Three specialized commissions regularly address the main areas of activity of the Catalan cement industry
In order to give adequate responses, in content, form and time, to the needs that arise from the industry itself, Ciment Català has developed a work structure that continuously attends the main areas of activity of the sector.
There are 3 committees that, periodically, analyze, evaluate and propose solutions to the challenges of each moment, in areas ranging from technical knowledge to training. Its work, always oriented to the founding and statutory commitments of the Association, is in favor of all the associated companies.

Technical, Quality and Environment Committee
Develop and implement advances related to environmental practices in the sector, circular economy, emission reduction and control, production efficiency, current regulations, internal and external audits, product quality, certifications and quality management systems, customer satisfaction analysis. customer, safety, occupational risk prevention, among other issues related to efficiency, sustainability and continuous improvement of the cement sector.
Technical staff representing associate companies, Ciment Català technician and Secretariat.
Actions carried out
Attendance to conferences and seminars, participation in external committees, follow-up of voluntary agreement.
Associated companies, Board of Directors, public administrations, among others.

Quarry Committee
Development of topics related to the environment, emission reduction, circular economy, quarry restoration, current regulations, biodiversity, among others.
Technical staff representing associates, Ciment Català technician and Secretariat.
Actions carried out
Attendance to informative conferences and seminars, participation in external committees.
Associated companies, Board of Directors, public administrations, among others.

Communication Committee
Development of strategies, and design and execution of actions to inform the different Stakeholders of the activities of the Association.
Ciment Català’s management staff and an external consultant.
Actions carried out
Organization of seminars and technical conferences, management of the press office, edition of publications, maintenance and updating of corporate communication channels, production of promotional materials.
Associated companies, journalists, Board of Directors, public administrations.