The consumption of cement in Catalonia in the month of May has registered a growth of 12%. With this figure, the accumulated in the last 12 months grows 6.3% and stands at a volume of 2.15 million tons. This data, however, is still lower than for the whole of 2019, when 2.24 million tons were used.

Cement production has also increased by 17.9% during the month of May to set its rate in the rolling year at 8.8% and a volume of 3.27 million tons. On the contrary, exports have suffered a severe reduction of 33.4% in the last month, leaving the interannual index with a growth of 11.2% and a total of 2.04 million tons sold in foreign markets.

Logically, the improvement in data compared to the previous year is explained by the lifting of restrictions due to the pandemic and the resumption of activity in many sectors. However, Ciment Català considers that “only with the application of new policies will a full reactivation of the economy be achieved after the health emergency”, according to its president Salvador Fernández Capo. The President welcomes the recent formation of a Government in the Generalitat and urges all Public Administrations to “develop actions that place economic recovery as the priority of all their decisions. The forthcoming arrival of the Next Generation European Funds urges us to not miss any opportunity”.

On the other hand, Ciment Català has published in recent weeks two works that demonstrate its commitment to the Circular Economy. On the one hand, the Roadmap of the Catalan cement industry to achieve climate neutrality 2050, which includes the methodology that the sector will follow to reduce its environmental footprint. On the other, the 2020 Activities Report, which includes, among more information, the market statistics of the sector in Catalonia, as well as the Environmental Balance of its activity.