The Catalan cement industry, represented by the Cement Manufacturers Association of Catalonia (Ciment Català), has agreed to give its full support to the candidacy led by Josep Sánchez Llibre to the presidency of the Foment del Treball Nacional, in the elections that this entity must celebrate next November 5th. The agreement was taken at the meeting of the Board of Directors on October 4, chaired by Salvador Fernández Capo. The highest governing body of the cement sector considers that Sánchez Llibre is, at the moment, a person “fully qualified to lead an independent, efficient and modern association that develops an integrating and influential task before all the political, economic and social instances of Catalonia, Spain and Europe”.

The companies associated with Ciment Català believe that “the maintenance and expansion of the Foment member base to all sectors of activity”, traditional and emerging, is essential. They also believe that it is necessary that they have an integrated representation and defense, respecting the peculiarities of each of these sectors.

In this context, a basic objective of Foment must be to have enough strength and influence to represent the set of Catalan business activities at any instance and, specifically, at the CEOE, where it has to achieve an adequate weight that allows it to promote measures to strengthen and modernize the Catalan and Spanish business fabric.